MAGNETIC EXCURSION | Xtreme Climate Event Within 30 Years?

5 min readNov 25, 2022


No one entity in officialdom cares to compile this data for public review and discussion. It is ever-mounting evidence backed by many peer-review studies. Data spanning hundreds of thousands of years, confirming earth’s cyclic climate change history, and our present position in the cycle.

The 12,000-Year Cycle

I certainly thought the Nova or Major Solar Explosion theory was 100,000 years in another future event, for someone else to worry about. We have enough problems. I thought this disaster emphasis was probably a far-out, theoretical extrapolation of some kind, based on sound scientific information.

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That’s when I found the galactic current sheet.

Even More Evidence of the Galactic Current Sheet


Galactic Current Sheet, Solar Micronova, Earth Axis Tilt, Every 12,000 Years

The science behind this article is explained in the video playlist at the end of the article. It would take me 2 articles to cover it all, possibly not as well. So please have a look.

If you can refute this, PLEASE DO, It will save me, researchers, and many other people a lot of time and effort. So far the peer-review science community has not refuted this hypothesis but only continues to confirm the data.

PLEASE LOOK IT UP IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME. I did. It took me two years to feel I needed to write about it and plan for it myself. And though I know it will be helpful when this event, occurs, I still hope it can be refuted, concerning the time of the event. I would like it to not take place in 25 years. I would like it to be delayed for at least 100 years, please. If anyone can definitively do that, I sure would appreciate it. Otherwise, trust me when I tell you, you’re going to need this information.


Every 12,000 years approx., the galactic current sheet, a wave of energy from the center of the galaxy, enters the solar system and causes what is called a magnetic excursion event. This evidence is based on recent studies, compiled with many others, through the decades and even recent centuries. The conclusions being drawn are new to the public. It’s not like, you should have known. But as with aliens and other subjects, outside of the central banking, political/economic, and military system’s control, peer review data, studies, and information on this historically accurate cycle, is under control as well.

How well-known is it?

Einstein was working on solving the earth’s tilt problem before he died. He followed the research of Major White, a U.S. military officer. Major White, in an arctic expedition, bore down into the earth retrieving over 100,000 years of sediment deposit records, showing tropical sediment deposits, becoming arctic deposits, then back to tropical again, approx. every 12,000 years apart. This can only be caused by a tilt of the earth’s axis, every 12,000 years.

It is also well-known among peer-review science publishing freaks. But you have to know what you are looking for, and subscribe to get alerts delivered on studies you are looking for. Ice age Farmer, Suspicious Observers, and others follow astrophysical peer review literature and report on studies, outside of the mainstream climate agenda.


People all over the world historically survive these events. The most successful were those who obviously knew about it and prepared for it. Our government is building installations in climate, safe zone areas that will be less affected by the tilt. Our present state of technology and knowledge, give us a great advantage over our ancestors if we build to survive and store our knowledge safe keeping during the explosion, and to rebuild afterward, during the ensuing, post-tilt climate change likely to span seven or more generations.

The feeling of overwhelming helplessness

Nobody in the public leadership of the country, or on the social media platforms, is seemingly equipped to address Xtreme, cyclic climate change, mentally, emotionally, or conceptually, at this time. At least not with accurate climate models

Very normal when dealing with such an overpowering force of nature. Sadly it leads many to ultimate despair and ruin when fully allowing themselves to examine the evidence. It is difficult to look at evidence that continues to more and more decisively point to the reality of the galactic sheet entering our solar system now. And we are entering a new 12,000-year climate cycle, which is a species extinction, and inception event, due to the solar micro nova and earth’s polar shift.

The first effects to look for

We are potentially looking at lights out for the planet within 10 years due to loss of magnetic field strength caused by a cyclic solar blast, known as the Carrington event, occurring approx. every 180 years apart. Before that, we are beginning to see a more rapid decrease in magnetic field strength, affecting solar intensity in the atmosphere as well as species’ migration, development, and habitat.

The Carrington Event can be prepared for. But no one outside of the science community is taking it seriously. It is a major x-class solar flare, 100% guaranteed to occur, no doubt about it, in relatively short order. Likely Now, or within10 years from now. We may not have to wait for the Carrington event though. With the earth’s decreasing magnetic field strength, a couple of major M-class or minor x-class flares back to back could also knock out the grid and satellite system.

Earth Housecleaning

When you are living in a home, on a large property, and it is time for major housecleaning and renovation, you either pitch in or get out of the way. People, as leading members of the earth species household, have a preparation advantage. Stuff needs to be protected for the inheritors of the property and kept safe during the upheaval, You store and protect valuables, to be unpacked and used during and after the physical renovations for your property’s cyclical maintenance and upkeep needs. You may have to move your living space a few times on the property, until the transition is fully completed, as every part of the property gets a makeover.

The Growing Body Of Science Knowledge

Disaster Playlist





Written by IRUUR1

I Am an ordered wanderer. Entertainment, spiritual, business, hippie generation background. I do not live or think like you. I write on the cutting edge.

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